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Simply fill out the no-obligation form, and we will follow-up with you via e-mail, as well as send you a packet by mail. 

A tour of the school with the Administrator, Jason Davis, is also available at your request.







Ashland Christian School is the recipient of the Governor's Thomas Edison Awards for Excellence in Stem Education and Student Research

COVID-19 Tracking App by ACS Students

April 12, 2020

https://www.times-gazette.com/news/20200410/ashland-christian-school-students-develop-coronavirus-app-for-invention-convention-competition?fbclid=IwAR1jttqYZNQrk03YDpfYr7cSUrQnlHV6NzkAESVx8UYR6Wl849lB05Fif18 Check out the work some of the ACS students have been up to. Two Ashland Christian School students, Leo and Steve Szijarto, decided a tracking app might help identify who’s at risk for COVID-19. Along with the Szijarto brothers, second-grader Michael Bell, created the Air-Pollution Stopper (prototype filter that sucks in oil, dust and dirt to help cities clean the air). So proud of all of you!

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Keywords: covid-19, leo, michael, steam, steve

STEAM Activity Celebrating Pi Day

March 13, 2020

The 4th and 5th grade classes conducted a STEAM activity celebrating Pi day as students calculated Pi measuring items such as plastic cups, frisbees, glue sticks, and paper plates. Students were placed in groups and measured the circumference and diameter of each item,and learned the history behind Pi. They worked together to learn about Pi! Parents also provided various dessert pies and pizza pies as a way to celebrate Pi Day.

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Science Fair 2020

February 25, 2020

The 2020 Ashland Christian Science Fair took place on February 25th as the 7th and 8th grade students completed individual science projects. Congratulations to the following Science Fair winners, who were chosen to go to the District Science Fair: The following winners from 8th Grade were: Landon Davis, Danny Jentes, Collin Johnson, and Jack Yeaste. The following winners from 7th Grade were: Alyssa Deer, Logan Frazer, Breanna Fryman, Noah Owens, and Abby S. Congratulations to all the students for their fantastic effort and work!

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Second Grade Scientists

February 24, 2020

Mrs. Natalie Bell's second graders read about George Washington Carver where he came up with 300 new uses for peanuts! As scientists, students thought about what they could invent that would be considered a "new use" for an invention. They were able to utilize makerspace and reusable materials, then invented things like a bed becoming a shelf, robot shoe (built in massager), and peanut machine to make peanuts as well as a salt spreader.

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UH Samaritan Middle School Training

February 6, 2020

Our STEAM partner, University Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center, engaged middle school students in medical training and certification for First Aid and CPR! #ACSSTEAM #MedicalCareers #FirstAidCPRCertification

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STEM & National Weather Service/ArcGIS

April 13, 2019

In collaboration with STEM Accelerated Coding, Mr. Jonathan Priest's junior high students were able to collect information from the National Weather Service's Sarah Jamison! Mrs. Beth Szijarto assisted students with constructing layers using ArcGIS, that were based on digital elevation models of the Cuyahoga River. The geospatial prototype helps predict damage according to flood levels! Junior high students have been working on the NOAA grant this year to provide a GIS solution for the National Weather Service! Great job students! #ACSNOAAGrant #GISNationalWeatherServicePrototype

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STEM & Underground Railroad

April 13, 2019

Mrs. Beth Shenberger's 4th graders investigated the Underground Railroad! They were able to analyze maps of those enslaved in 1860. Students found 11 Underground Railroads in Ohio and the distance from Ashland to those locations.Mrs. Beth Shenberger's 4th graders investigated the Underground Railroad! They were able to analyze maps of those enslaved in 1860. Students found 11 Underground Railroads in Ohio and the distance from Ashland to those locations. Students used ArcGIS mapping, measurement, and analysis to engineer the shortest route from Ashland to each of the 11 sites across Ohio! They validated routes by measuring distance and found the shortest path to Oberlin by using geospatial analysis! #STEMUndergroundRailroad #ACSGeospatialTechnology

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STEM & Fight for Right

April 13, 2019

Mr. Jason Davis and Mrs. Beth Shenberger's classes collaborated with partner, STEM Accelerated Coding, for the Fight for Right project! Students set out to solve the question, how will you make today GREAT? GREAT stands for: God is my example; Reach out to others; Everyone needs a friend; Acceptance; Treat others like you want to be treated. Mr. Jason Davis and Mrs. Beth Shenberger had students conduct research to define potential bullying issues within schools. Mrs. Beth Szijarto explained what G.R.E.A.T. was within the Fight for Right project, then had students engineer a prototype that provides a way for anonymous community feedback about how to make today GREAT. 4th and 5th grade students helped build an ArcGIS Story Map through geospatial technology and added maps about students that reported being bullied and that felt left out in schools across Ohio! Great job students! How will YOU make today GREAT? #ACSArcGIS #HowWillYouMakeTodayGreat #FightForRightProject #STEMAcceleratedCodingGISEdLeader

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STEM & Nationwide Hospital's ATS Program

March 15, 2019

ACS 8th graders attended Nationwide Hospital's ATS Program with Mrs. Bethany Frazer and Mrs. Bessann Carr! Students visited the OSU Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital and learned about their ATS (Automated Transport System), which services the 4 hospitals located there. Special thanks to Mr. Michael Johnson for this opportunity! #ACSMedicalRobotics

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Keywords: mrs. frazer, stem  |   6944 comments

STEM & Sustaining Agriculture/Drone/Ashland County Solid Waste & Recycling Center

March 15, 2019

Thank you to Mr. Mike Earick and Mrs. Nancy Earick for their compost instruction and oversight with the 7th and 8th grade classes! Students were answering the question: How do you make food last longer and sustain agriculture? The 8th grade students researched and brainstormed, then worked on building an innovative compost unit with Mr. Mike Earick! The 7th grade class split into groups and worked with Mrs. Nancy Earick and Mrs. Kathie Connolly to educate our school on how to compost within the lunchroom and how to market the school compost! Special thanks to the Ashland County Solid Waste & Recycling Center for their compost unit donation and thank you to the Wooster Habitat for Humanity barrel donation that was used to develop an innovative composter. Ashland Christian School plans to use both compost units to begin composting from the lunchroom! Thank you to Mr. John Teevan for his drone instruction with the 6th grade class! Mr. Jonathan Priest and Mrs. Beth Szijarto assisted students with soil survey maps, where students learned how drones and satellite imagery can help farmers with fertilizer implementation to reduce costs. #STEMFeedsOhio #ACSSustainableAgriculture #CompostingDronesSatelliteImagery

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STEM/Robotics & Ashland County-West Holmes Career Center

February 28, 2019

Special thanks to our STEM partner, Ashland County-West Holmes Career Center, for hosting a robotics workshop for our junior high students! Students were able to control and program 3 different robots: ABB robot picked up a cup with wooden balls and poured them into another cup, Yaskawa Motoman robot picked up blocks and moved them, and the FANUC robot moved blocks and drew pictures. Thank you to Mr. Jim Simmering and Mrs. Bethany Frazer for making this opportunity possible! #CareerCenterSTEM #ACSRobotics

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STEM & OSU Extension/Colonial Pancake Lesson

February 25, 2019

Special thanks to Kathy Blackford, OSU Extension STEM partner, for her history of bread, yeast science experiment, and Colonial pancake tasting lesson. This project assisted with Mr. Davis and Mrs. Shenberger's food security project to better prepareSpecial thanks to Kathy Blackford, OSU Extension STEM partner, for her history of bread, yeast science experiment, and Colonial pancake tasting lesson. This project assisted with Mr. Davis and Mrs. Shenberger's food security project to better prepare their 4th and 5th grade students on how to make food without key ingredients!

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STEM & Humanitarian Solutions

February 25, 2019

Students in Mrs. Davis (1st grade), Mrs. Bell (2nd grade), and Mrs. Hickinbotham's (3rd grade) classes worked on humanitarian solutions that could help the homeless. Their projects consisted of Scratch programs that informed others about those in neeStudents in Mrs. Davis (1st grade), Mrs. Bell (2nd grade), and Mrs. Hickinbotham's (3rd grade) classes worked on humanitarian solutions that could help the homeless. Their projects consisted of Scratch programs that informed others about those in need, and they built prototypes that could help house the homeless! Great job students! #STEMHumanitarianSolutions

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STEM & Ashland County Solid Waste & Recycling Center

February 25, 2019

Special thanks to Mrs. Nancy Earick for her conservation and recycling instruction at ACS! Students wanted to say thank you by making cards and creating a Scratch program that informs others about recycling! Thank you to the Ashland County Solid WastAshland County Solid Waste & Recycling Center

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STEM & Invention Convention

February 22, 2019

Mr. Jason Davis and Mrs. Beth Shenberger's classes competed in the Ashland Christian District Invention Convention! Students have been working on brainstorming, researching, prototyping, and testing solutions to solve real world problems. Today, theyMr. Jason Davis and Mrs. Beth Shenberger's classes competed in the Ashland Christian District Invention Convention! Students have been working on brainstorming, researching, prototyping, and testing solutions to solve real world problems. Today, they presented their problems and solutions to judges. Students are competing for seats at the State Invention Convention, held at The Ohio State Fair, during the summer. Great job students! #InventionConventionAtACS #StudentInventors

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STEM 3D Prototypes, Dick Goddard, Vicki Stracensky, Wise on Weather!

February 15, 2019

Special thanks to Emmy award-winning director and national award-winning author, Vicki Stracensky, for her flash flood instruction with the NOAA grant for our 6th through 8th graders! Students learned about Dick Goddard and flash flood safety. Students constructed 3D prototypes using TinkerCAD to help someone survive a flash flood. Vicki Stracensky also worked with Mrs. Miller's Kindergarten class. Students conducted weather experiments relating to her book, "Wise on Weather!", that was illustrated by meteorologist, Dick Goddard. Students learned about tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods. We also received a special visit from the book's mascot, WOO (Wise Old Owl)! www.wiseonweather.com #STEMNOAA #WiseOnWeatherAtACS #SafetyFirst

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STEM & GVIS Graphics & Visualization

February 6, 2019

Mrs. Beth Shenberger and Mrs. Bethany Frazer were part of the Moon to Mars training with computational thinking and engineering models at NASA today! They also engaged through virtual reality at the GVIS Graphics and Visualization lab! #NASAComputationalLearning #ACSSTEM

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Keywords: graphics, gvis, mrs. shenberger  |   722 comments


February 6, 2019

Mrs. Beth Shenberger and Mrs. Beth Szijarto received NASA STEM PBL training! They implemented NASA content solutions involving fresh water, soil moisture, and melting sea ice/sea level changes. Mrs. Beth Shenberger measured the soil tanks that simulate terrain on the Moon and Mars. New rover wheel prototypes and digging tools are tested within the Simulated Lunar Operations Slope Lab. #NASAPBL #ACSSTEMPD

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CPR Training

January 24, 2019

Special thanks to our STEM partner, University Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center, for providing CPR training and certification for our middle school students!

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Keywords: cpr, middle school  |   815 comments

STEM & Robotics

January 19, 2019

Special thanks to our STEM partner, the Ohio State University Extension and Kathy Blackford, for providing robotics instruction for our students at Ashland Christian School! Students are engaged with NXT and WeDo robots by coding functionality, including sensors, to solve problems!

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Keywords: ohio state, robotics, stem  |   1452 comments

STEM & Recycling

January 18, 2019

Students in grades K-3 worked on problem based learning to develop solutions to help recycle! We have inventions that include a tower with a slide that has recyclable material fall into a pit, recycling storage systems, a robot that breaks up glass to be used for other purposes, and the "Recycle 9000"! Check out our student prototypes!

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Keywords: recycling, stem  |   1362 comments


January 3, 2019

STEM Accelerated Coding, an Ashland Christian School partner, has provided an opportunity for students to learn GIS. This is the initial ground truthing assessment where ACS students collected data within the field, by using a geospatial app that they created. Additional ground truthing fieldwork and app development will take place this year with Ashland Christian students, to determine land use change and agricultural sustainability in Ashland County!

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STEM & Innovative Dehydrators

January 3, 2019

Mr. Davis and Mrs. Shenberger's classes continued the Food Security Project with guest, Sandy Welch. Students engineered their prototypes during class to develop innovative dehydrator systems, so as to help food last longer. ACS students are part of the statewide challenge to find solutions to help increase food security. The STEM challenge is important because by the year 2050, it is predicted that farmers will no longer produce enough food to feed the world. #innovativeengineering #foodsecurity2050

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STEM & Geoinquiry Maps

December 19, 2018

Mrs. Kathie Connolly worked with 8th grade students using geoinquiry maps this week! Her class focused on the "We the People" module, where they discovered thoughts and inspirations that led the founding fathers to develop their ideas of the best forMrs. Kathie Connolly worked with 8th grade students using geoinquiry maps this week! Her class focused on the "We the People" module, where they discovered thoughts and inspirations that led the founding fathers to develop their ideas of the best form of government for our new nation. Students were able to explore government specific maps and utilized the measuring tool to determine distance and area. Great work students!

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Keywords: geoinquiry, mrs. connolly, stem  |   870 comments

STEM & Robot Races & Scratch

December 19, 2018

Computer & Technology teacher, Mrs. Bethany Frazer, worked with Kindergarten and 1st grade students on future coders robot races and Scratch! We are happy to have her computer science expertise at ACS where students are able to learn about codingComputer & Technology teacher, Mrs. Bethany Frazer, worked with Kindergarten and 1st grade students on future coders robot races and Scratch! We are happy to have her computer science expertise at ACS where students are able to learn about coding fundamentals!

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STEM Reading Buddies & Christmas Celebration

December 19, 2018

3rd and K reading buddies had a STEM Christmas celebration today. They created sleighs to pull “presents” up an incline. Great job!

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STEM & Future Coders

December 19, 2018

Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. Hickinbotham worked on computer science STEM projects that focused on a Christmas theme with Scratch. Through individual growth exploration, students discovered motion, looks, sound, control, and event functions for sprites and backgrounds. We even had some of our 1st graders show interest in the data and operators functions, where they developed math problem modules and watched the calculated answer populate in a result list! Awesome work kids! #ACScoders

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December 19, 2018

NASA has awarded a contract through a collaborative partnership with STEM Accelerated Coding and Ashland Christian School! Congratulations to Mrs. Bethany Frazer, Mrs. Beth Shenberger, and Mrs. Beth Szijarto as they provide expert review of NASA’s computer science curriculum and STEM activities!

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Keywords: award, nasa, stem  |   546 comments