Home School Extension
This program provides the opportunity for home-schooled children to participate in elective classes and special activities with the class of the child’s corresponding grade and to enroll in a core subject area for grades 6-8. The program includes elective classes, core subject classes, organized special activities, Middle School athletic team participation, use of the ACS library, and annual standardized testing.
The elective classes, core subjects, and organized special activities are listed below.
Elective Classes: Art, Music, Physical Education, Spanish and Computer (grades 1-8)
Orchestra (grades 5-8)
Core Subjects: Bible, History, Language Arts, Math, Reading, and Science (grades 6-8)
Special Activities: Chapel (all grades), Speech Meet (grades 1-5), Spelling Bee (grades 6-8),
Mr. Lee’s Science Magic (grades K-5), Science Fair (grades 7-8), team athletics (grades 4-8), Middle School Play, and field trips (all grades). There is a participation fee for the Sports programs. Enrollment in at least one elective class is required for participation in the sports program.
There is an application/registration fee of $30.00 for each student. This fee is non-refundable. For current year tuition costs, please contact the school office at 419-289-6617 or email our office administrator, Mrs. Brenda LaGoy (blagoy@ashlandchristian.org) for additional information or to enroll.
There is a $10.00 per subject/textbook rental fee for the school year (if applicable).